Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for hair loss

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Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is widely used as a highly effective means to reduce hair loss. Handheld LLLT devices are available, as well as more convenient hands free models. Both are available over-the-counter and do not require the supervision of a health care provider. Interestingly, the laser energy that is used to stimulate the growth of hair in patients can be seen in the red light spectrum.  Furthermore, it is theorized that LLLT works by allowing laser light to be imbued by the targeted tissue molecules.  Given sufficient time, the energy level of the aforementioned molecules are greatly augmented, forcing the molecules to burn off or dissipate the excess energies by adapting in a physical or chemical manner.

In regards to LLLT and hair growth, it is believed that LLLT triggers a chemical, cellular reaction in the epithelial matrix of the targeted follicles, which lead to follicular metastasis. In fact, there is scientific evidence that seems to indicate that pre-determined cellular degradation of follicles, better known as follicular apoptosis, can actually be reversed via LLLT. What’s more, scientists have been able to deduce the exact wavelength, intensity, and power of the laser energy that is most conducive to hair growth.  It is also important to note that the laser energy produced by LLLT is not “hot” laser energy but “cold light” energy. In other words, the energy emitted by LLLT is low in wattage and relative heat, ensuring that patients don’t actually feel any discomfort, or any sensation at all, while undergoing treatment with LLLT.

Furthermore, a study on LLLT, which studied male and female pattern baldness in 146 male and 188 female subjects, found demonstrable evidence that low level laser devices were effective in reducing hair loss. The sham-device controlled, randomized, double blind study was conducted at a myriad of private practices and multiple institutions. The treatment was administered 3 times a week, over the whole scalp, for 26 weeks, with 16 and 26 week follow-ups to compare baseline terminal hair density with post-treatment hair density.

Hence, with minimal side effects and proven results, LLLT is recommended for men and women who suffer from androgenetic alopecia. Most people who suffer from hair loss will benefit from 3 to 4 sessions per week for 25 minutes per session. Moreover, noticeable results will generally occur after 4 to 6 months, with ongoing maintenance therapy (1 to 2 sessions per week) being recommended in order to keep hair looking fuller, healthier, and more vibrant over time.


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