Most Popular Hair Loss Cures of 2016

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Hair loss is something that many people will experience at some point in their lifetimes. For some, hair loss involves a chronic condition or illness, such as androgenetic alopecia, which can lead to complete baldness if left untreated. Fortunately, recent advances in hair loss restoration have shown promising results in 2016.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy


For instance, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy has yielded promising results in hair restoration; and can also be used to treat Alopecia Areata patients. PRP works by modifying the blood in the body in order to facilitate hair growth. The procedure consists of blood extraction, followed by centrifuging and processing techniques in order to form a PRP cocktail. The scalp is then numbed via a local anesthetic and then the PRP cocktail is injected into the scalp via multiple inoculations.

PRP can also be used by both male and female patients, and many patients have noticed progress after only one doctor’s visit. Interestingly, PRP has been used by dentists, plastic surgeons, and orthopedic surgeons for several years, but only in recent years the technology has been adapted to hair restoration practices.

Minoxidil and Compounded Solutions


Minoxidil is another highly popular hair loss treatment that is used frequently by men who suffer from hair loss. There is also a hybrid version available called Finasteride/Minoxidil. This compounded version is available without a prescription at pharmacies, but is only half as potent as the original version. The original “extra strength” version of Minoxidil is quite potent, and, as such, is only available with a prescription. However, more patients have noted positive results with the original version, as well as quicker results.

Laser Hair Loss Therapy


Laser hair loss therapy is also quickly growing in popularity, with products like Apira Science iGrow and Hairmax’s Laser Comb taking the hair restoration industry by storm. What’s more, doctors are working ardently to develop new, drug free treatments that yield quicker, safer, and more stable results. It should also be noted that laser hair loss therapy was once limited to beauty salons. Now, the technology has become streamlined and improved so that a patient can schedule an appointment at a medical clinic and can be supervised by medical professionals with the proper training.

Follicular Unit Extraction


Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is also quickly growing in popularity to combat hair loss. It is a minimally invasive hair extraction technique whereby hair follicles are removed from certain areas and then transplanted to targeted problem areas on the scalp. FUE also has the added benefit of being a pain free procedure, as the scalp is properly numbed prior to the procedure.

Stem Cell Therapy


Stem cell therapy consists of using stem cells to stimulate the formation of follicular cells that will facilitate newfound hair regeneration. The scalp is first sterilized, followed by the injecting of stem cells to problem areas. By doing so, hair follicles are stimulated and new hair formation is facilitated.



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